• immagine-la-storia-di-monty-e-la-sindrome-di-down-negli-animali

    Monty's story and Down syndrome in animals

    Certainly, Monty was not born yesterday, but in recent days, the story of this cat with Down syndrome is spreading Read More
  • immagine Alano

    Great Dane dog

    The Great Dane dog is considered the biggest and most powerful of dogs. Protective, affectionate and balanced, he loves company Read More
  • image Mastitis in dogs and cats: what is it and how to cure it

    Mastitis in dogs and cats: what is it and how to treat it

    Mastitis is defined as an inflammation of the breasts. For obvious reasons, it affects only females and in the case Read More
  • immagine La FeLV del gatto: cos’è, come riconoscerla e come prevenirla

    FeLV in cats: what is it? how should we recognize it? how do we prevent it?

    Cats are much more likely than dogs to contract infectious diseases. Read More
  • immagine In caso di incidente è obbligatorio soccorrere l'animale

    In case of an accident we must rescue our pet

    The long list of measures in favour of our four-legged friends continues, also as regards to the behaviour to be Read More
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  • immagine-la-storia-di-monty-e-la-sindrome-di-down-negli-animali

    Monty's story and Down syndrome in animals

    Certainly, Monty was not born yesterday, but in recent days, the story of this cat with Down syndrome is spreading Read More
  • immagine Alano

    Great Dane dog

    The Great Dane dog is considered the biggest and most powerful of dogs. Protective, affectionate and balanced, he loves company Read More
  • image Mastitis in dogs and cats: what is it and how to cure it

    Mastitis in dogs and cats: what is it and how to treat it

    Mastitis is defined as an inflammation of the breasts. For obvious reasons, it affects only females and in the case Read More
  • immagine La FeLV del gatto: cos’è, come riconoscerla e come prevenirla

    FeLV in cats: what is it? how should we recognize it? how do we prevent it?

    Cats are much more likely than dogs to contract infectious diseases. Read More
  • immagine In caso di incidente è obbligatorio soccorrere l'animale

    In case of an accident we must rescue our pet

    The long list of measures in favour of our four-legged friends continues, also as regards to the behaviour to be Read More
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immagine Cosa fare quando si trova un animale ferito

What to do when we find an injured animal

 Stray dogs and cats do not always manage to perceive the sense of danger, and unfortunately too often they become the victims of road accidents. On the side of the roads, bodies of animals run over and abandoned are found every day. Let's see what to do when we find an injured animal.

Unfortunately, there are still many people who still cannot become aware of this phenomenon, so these animals are often ignored and dismissed with a simple phrase, "it's their nature". Fortunately, there are also kind-hearted people who take care of mistreated dogs and cats.

However, it may happen that these people are not always informed about what tools are available to them to help animals in danger. So let's try to understand how to behave according to the situation in which you find yourself.

gatto ferito per strada

The animal is injured and tries to escape

It may happen that the dog or cat has an injured paw or a fractured limb. In this case, if they are very frightened, their instincts will lead them to run away, despite the pain and difficulty walking.

If you are in town or in any case in an area on the outskirts that you can reach without risk, try to approach it. Attract him with food and get some water.

Avoid running towards him and respect his conditions. A suspicious dog or cat may run away or attack you.

Try to stay calm by talking to him in a sweet tone of voice. Do not look at them straight in the eyes for too long and do not approach them directly. Rather, try to show yourself quite disinterested, while remaining around and if they get close, let yourself be smelled and resist the temptation to caress them.

In the meantime, call the competent local authorities, then the traffic police or the ASL Veterinary Service.

Stay with the animal until help arrives. Make sure he does not run away and that he does not get any more injuries trying to escape.

The animal is seriously injured

The greatest danger for stray animals is being run over. When you find a seriously injured dog or cat in the village or on an accessible road, or if the accident was accidentally caused by you, do not hesitate to help him.

cane ferito sulla barella

Immediately call a veterinarian who is willing to help injured animals on the street. For this reason, it is always useful to have a contact details of your veterinarian or whoever deals with these situations at hand.

Alternatively, you could take it directly to the nearest  clinic. Transporting an injured animal is a very delicate operation, because in the case of fractures of the spine or other complex injuries, incorrect movement can worsen the situation.

In order to transport him to the vet, you will need to get an object that can serve as a stretcher. A cardboard, a plastic or wooden board, an old carpet, choose the one you have on hand, as long as it is stiff enough.

Gently lay the animal on the makeshift stretcher, paying great attention to perform slow and fluid movements. Avoid pulling or dragging it, as this will aggravate the injuries.

If you really have nothing, take him in your arms, trying to stretch him out.

It can happen that an injured cat is particularly alert and scared. In this case, it may be useful to get a towel or a blanket and wrap him around it so that it does not escape and does not try to scratch you.

Absolutely avoid offering him water or food, as he could have very serious injuries, for which immediate surgery is required. Wait until you reach the vet, who will take care of it.

The injured animal is on a road that is not accessible by feet

If you are on the motorway or on a road that is not intended for walking, do not stop. Rather, contact the competent law enforcement agencies, including the traffic police who will be able to act promptly to help the animal.

In fact, on roads, the risk of being run over is very high, so it would be useless to put your health at risk, when there are those who take care of it in the correct way.

immagine I forasacchi, perché sono pericolosi e come rimuoverli

Foxtails, why are they dangerous and how should we remove them

Foxtails represent a great danger for our dogs, as they often tend to slip into the skin, ears or nose, causing quite serious consequences. So let's see why they are dangerous and how they can be safely removed.

“Foxtails” have spikelets that are formed when the wheat grows along peripheral roads, in the countryside or in parks. Foxtails are practically a constant danger, precisely because they can be found everywhere.

Why are foxtails dangerous?

Foxtails have a particularly pointed shape and are also very rigid, so they tend to slip easily anywhere. The entire surface of the ears, in fact, is covered by a series of very pointed quills, oriented in the opposite direction to the direction of the stem. For this reason, every time we touch them, they can hook onto clothes, skin or fur, remaining stuck until they are removed manually.

forasacco bocca gengiva cane

Who among us have experiences this plant stuck to our clothes? Let's think about what happens to our animals when they come into contact with these deadly plants.

It only takes a moment and the foxtail is stuck in the skin, fur, paws, ears, nose, eyes, foreskin and even in the animals throat if he ingests it. In addition, if we think about how bad that spikelet stuck on our pants hurts, imagine how bad it would hurt if they were stuck on the animals body.

The consequences are not only related to pain and discomfort that the foxtail can cause. In fact, if they are not removed promptly and correctly, they can create inflammation and consequently lead to infections that are more serious. In these cases, we notice it because in the point where they are stuck we can see a reddish mark, rather raised and, by removing the foxtail, a real hole will appear on the skin, from which blood or pus can leak out.

The problems become even more relevant if the foxtails are located in very delicate locations, such as the nose, eyes, ears and throat. These spikes, in fact, in addition to damaging the area, can also cause serious injuries to local organs, for example by puncturing the eardrum or reaching the lungs and stomach, where they would get stuck creating serious consequences.

How to remove them

Our advice is to remove only those resting on the animal's skin, without being totally stuck yet. The main risk, in fact, is to break them, leaving a part of it inside the ear, nose or skin that can inflame or infect the whole area.

cane controllare orecchie forasacchi zecche

When we are taking care of rather sensitive parts of the body we should absolutely take the animal to a vet, who knows the right techniques to remove them and can intervene if they break. It will also be able to identify any consequences produced by the foxtail in the animals body.

In any case, we should always try to prevent the dog or cat from getting filled with these spikelets. We should avoid places where we already know for sure we will find them. Furthermore, when we are returning from our daily walk, let's check the entire body of the animal, removing any foxtails that have rested on the hair which might then stick inside afterwards.

If we see that the dog starts coughing, sneezing or shaking his ears, we immediately check if there are any foxtails in that area, and remove the ones that are slightly stuck on the skin. Same goes for the fingertips, another site frequently affected by the problem. The spikelets might get stuck in that area too, so lets make sure we check the fingertips area as well.

For dogs with long ears, such as Cockers and Basset Hounds, it may be a good idea to wrap an elastic headband or a light scarf around the head, which keeps the ears suspended and protected.


immagine antiparassitario

Anti-parasites for dogs: which ones are harmful for cats

 One of the most dangerous emergency situations for cats is permethrin poisoning, a substance commonly used in several dog-specific anti-parasites. Here are the consequences and what to do to save the cat's life.

There is nothing to be ashamed of. There are really many cat owners who choose to administer dog anti parasitic substances to their felines. The reason is very simple: they save money. Think, for example, of the volunteers who manage to take care of entire feline colonies or families with 4-5 cats. 

Unfortunately, however, we do not always resort to the advice of the veterinarian, but we prefer to act according to our instincts or hearsay. It therefore happens to give the cat a poorly dosed product for dogs or, even worse, absolutely unsuitable for felines. The consequence inevitably translates into a tragic poisoning and a visit to the vet. This happens because not all anti-parasitic substances for dogs can also be used for cats. Some of them, especially the ones based on permethrin (Frontline Tri-Act, Advantix, Effitix, Exspot), can be seriously lethal if administered to the cat.

What is permethrin and how does it works?

The most common anti-parasitic, those that can also be purchased in pet stores, are specifically designed to eradicate and prevent infestations of fleas and ticks (the most frequent external parasites).

Everything You Need to Know About Coccidia in Cats | PetCareRx

Some of these formulations, such as those based on fipronil, are suitable for both dogs and cats, with different dosages based on the species. Other anti-parasites on the other hand, are addressed exclusively to dogs, for example those containing permethrin.

This substance belongs to the pyrethroid family, a very powerful insecticides, able to act directly on the nervous system of insects. They are aimed above all at preventing the bites of the fearsome sand flies, responsible for the transmission of Leishmaniasis in dogs. For this reason, the manufacturing companies felt the need to "enrich" the common anti parasite for dogs with permethrin, thus offering greater protection against parasites and sand flies.

However, permethrin is highly toxic to cats, who are unable to degrade it in the body, which instead occurs without problems in dogs. This means that the substance, once absorbed by the skin, remains intact inside the body, behaving in all respects like a poison.

Symptoms of permethrin poisoning

If you have unknowingly applied a permethrin-based pesticide to your cat, you may notice it immediately, as well as after several hours. The main symptoms of permethrin poisoning include:

  • Excess salivation
  • Increased salivation
  • Tremors
  • Lack of coordination
  • retching
  • Diarrhea
  • Respiratory difficulties
  • Convulsion
  • Dilated pupils
  • Death

lavare gatto bagno antiparassitario

What to do

There are two most frequent situations: you have unwillingly applied the pesticide for dogs to the cat, or the cat has come into contact with the dog's skin, right where you applied the product.

In both cases, there is only one thing to do: run to the vet. Put the cat in the carrier and take it immediately to the nearest clinic. Speak clearly with the veterinarian, without omitting anything. 

The veterinarian will wash the animal's back if you have just applied the product, or will proceed with a gastric lavage if the cat has accidentally ingested it. In both cases, this solution may not be enough, especially if several hours have passed. It will therefore be necessary to administer specific drugs.

In conclusion, if you manage to notice the mistake on time, try to find a remedy as soon as possible. Wash the area with plenty of warm water (not hot, it would accelerate the absorption of the drug) and with a mild soap. Make sure that the operation is accurate, but very fast, then run to the vet.

Remember that in these cases, time is essential: the more hours elapse from when they ingested it, the less likely your cat will survive.


immagine Cosa fare in caso di punture di api, vespe e zanzare nel cane e nel gatto

Bee, wasp and mosquito stings in dogs and cats

With the arrival of beautiful hot days we are all in a happier mood, even our pets. However, many dangers tend to awaken in the warmer months, putting a strain on the serenity and health of the dog and cat. In this article, we will mainly talk about insect bites in our animals, first of all bees, wasps and finally mosquitoes, which can create a significant nuisances and unpleasant consequences for their health. 

Bees and wasps

As strange as it may seem, animals are really dangerously attracted to bees and wasps. The rather loud hum, the bright colours and their curious shape are particularly inviting for dogs and cats, who often try to chase them, capturing them with their legs or even with their mouths.

This can become a dangerous hobby for them as bees and wasps can easily sting them. Although similar, these two insects belonging to the Hymenoptera have some differences.
pungiglione ape vespa

 The bees have a more stocky body, with black and dark yellow stripes, tending towards ochre, covered with thick hair. The wasps, on the other hand, are more elongated, with a smooth body and black and bright yellow stripes, almost golden. Their nutrition is also different, since bees feed almost exclusively on the sugary substances present on flowers and wasps feed on other insects as well (as they have proper teeth).

Both are equipped with a threatening stinger at the end of the abdomen, with which they sting the victim, releasing the poison produced by a specific gland connected to this spike. Again, we find differences. The wasps have a smooth sting, which they easily extract from the victims, whilst the bees sting is pinned and notched near the tip, like the plastic ties that are put into the walls to insert the screws inside, which are made to go in but not to exit.

 That's why bees are said to die after stinging someone; the sting remains stuck in the victim's skin, so when they try to move away, the sting literally tears from their body, creating a serious injury. However, the poison present in the sting continues to be released into the victim, because the gland that produces it remains inside it. The substances present in the poison triggers a very strong inflammation, which make the blood vessels widen and begin to "lose" water outwards, causing swelling, pain, itching and burning of the area.

We assume that unless the animal is allergic to bee or wasp poison, it will not die after being stung. In any case, as many of us will have had the misfortune to discover, the sting really hurts and brings the affected area to swell considerably. From this point of view, we can imagine what consequences a dog or cat who is stung on the nose or ingests a bee or wasp can face. The part swells, occluding the respiratory tract until the animal can no longer breathe.

If we see that the animal complains, looks at itself and tries to lick or bite a point on the body, such as the back, the side or the legs, we should immediately check the area. Does it appear swollen and red? We must immediately apply ice to reduce swelling.

cane puntura di ape vespa allergia muso gonfio

If we see the sting ourselves, we can try to remove it, but only if we do not have the opportunity to reach the nearest veterinarian in a few minutes. We must avoid using tweezers to grab and pull the stinger. Tightening it will only squeeze the poison inside it, so let's just use something stiff, like a cardboard or the tip of a knife to detach it as if it were a splinter.

If, on the other hand, we notice that the animal shows the symptoms of a serious allergic reaction (increased salivation, vomiting, itching, swelling of the eyes, tongue and throat, difficulty breathing) we must immediately run to the vet, without wasting time.

The best antidote for bee and wasp stings is cortisone, which must however be administered by the veterinarian in the dose and in the most suitable way for our dog / cat. The only possible alternative is to contact the veterinarian by phone, asking him how to intervene whilst waiting to reach the clinic.

For this reason, it is essential to always have a first aid kit with life-saving drugs on hand for our four-legged friend.


Mosquito bites are a problem that we are forced to endure throughout the summer, constantly scratching and filling ourselves with lotions and repellent sprays. For our dogs and cats bites can be just as annoying, forcing them to scratch constantly to relieve itching.

Furthermore, some animals may be allergic to the mosquito bite and in particular to its saliva. In these cases, the symptoms can vary from a rather intense itching, with swelling and redness of the area, which continues even for several days, up to real dermatitis, with crusts and dandruff. Anaphylactic mosquito shock due to the bite is rather rare, but the animal can still cause serious injuries in an attempt to relieve itching, scratching or licking itself.

cane zanzara pappataci puntura

 Another aspect that should not be overlooked of mosquito bites concerns the diseases that these can transmit. We speak above all of the much feared Filariasis, which mainly affects dogs, but in countries like ours, where the number of mosquitoes is truly impressive, it can also involve cats.

Cardiopulmonary filariasis is an infestation caused by round and white worms, called "Nematodes", precisely the Dirofilaria immitis. If a mosquito stings an infected animal, it will not only suck the blood but also the larvae of this parasite, which will grow inside it for several days, and then be inoculated into the blood of other animals. These worms then reach the heart, where they grow up to 15 centimeters in length, creating serious problems for the cardiovascular system and lungs.

Contrary to popular belief, Leishmaniasis is not transmitted by mosquitoes, but by a very similar insect, the sandfly, which can carry Leishmania infantum, a very dangerous parasite. Symptoms may appear even after a long time, and include: dermatitis, dandruff, distorted nails, injury to the ears, hair loss, weight loss and nosebleeds, up to severe kidney problems.

To protect our four-legged friends, we can use repellent products based on natural substances, such as Neem oil, in the form of a collar, spot-on or lotions to be applied to the whole body of the animal according to the instructions on the package. For the dog, it is possible to use multi purposes pesticides, which protect against fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. Remember that these products are toxic for cats, so we must always check that they do not contain permethrin before using them.

immagine Morsi e graffi di animali: cosa fare e quali sono i rischi

bites and scratches of dogs and cats: risks and remedies

Animals know how to defend themselves in case of fear or threat thanks to their sharp claws and their strong powerful teeth that Mother Nature kindly gave them. However, it can happen that these powerful "weapons" might be used against us, with unease consequences to face up to. Lets further understand the risks and remedies in case of bites and scratches from animals. 

immagine Il morso di vipera e altri serpenti nel cane e gatto: sintomi e rimedi

Snake bites on dogs and cats: symptoms and remedies

Dogs and cats who live outdoors have a great time when they have the opportunity to hunt insects and small animals, which is generally not a problem for the health of our four-legged friends, unless we are referring to poisonous snakes, like the dreaded viper. How do you recognize this snake and what are the immediate symptoms and remedies in case of a bite?

Grass snake or poisonous snake?

Most of us are horrified at the thought of finding a lizard in the house, so let alone how we might react to a snake. In these cases, our mind immediately begins to think of the most catastrophic consequences.

In fact, unless we are on holiday in the jungle or near a zoo, it is very difficult that one of these dreaded creatures could end up in our garden by mistake. Usually, in fact, those crawling animals collected here and there by our cat are simply grass snakes.

However, we must not exclude the risk of a poisonous snakebite, a far more dangerous one than the common country snake. That's why it's important to know how to distinguish these two reptiles.

In peripheral areas we can often find two types of harmless snakes: grass snakes and rat snakes.

The garden snake (Natrix natrix) is a dark green or brown colour, with a characteristic yellow collar in the part just behind the head. In fact, the common name of this snake is also "collar snake". The dimensions can vary from a few centimetres, for the younger ones, up to even 2 meters in the swampy areas.

The rat snake (Hierophis viridiflavus or Coluber viridiflavus) on the other hand is generally black, interspersed with thin yellow-green streaks, whilst the whole lower part is clear. The dimensions are similar to those of the grass snake, although they usually remain within 120-130 centimetres

vipera denti veleno

The case of the viper (Vipera aspis) is different, as it is the only poisonous snake in Italy. Here are the characteristics that we must keep in mind to distinguish it from grass and rat snakes:

  • Squat body, which widens in the central part;
  • Thin tail, well distinct from the rest of the body;
  • Triangular and pointed head, facing upwards;
  • Eyes squashed, with narrow and vertical pupil;
  • Pointed and clearly visible teeth.

The color is not a distinctive feature, because the vipers can take on variable coluors from grey to brown, up to reddish, depending on the soil in which they live. The dimensions are rather small compared to the maximum dimensions of the other two snakes, since they do not exceed 94 centimetres.

The viper bite

Vipers have tiny glands at the bottom of the palate, called venom fangs, precisely because they produce and contain the poison, which can be released through small ducts located in the teeth. The poison is very dangerous, in some cases even lethal.

If the viper has bitten our dog or cat, we can notice it due to the presence of two small holes with a distance of about 1 centimetre from each other.

The symptoms of viper bite include:

  • Swelling of the bitten part, which becomes red or bluish;
  • Painfulness of the area, whereby the animal moves away or tends to bite us;
  • Presence of small red dots around the bite, called "petechiae" or real bruises;
  • Gums and other pale coloured mucous membranes;
  • Weakness and difficulty walking;
  • Tremors and chills of cold;
  • Loss of blood;
  • Vomiting and diarrhea.

The final and lethal consequences of the viper bite appear when the poison has compromised the functionality of the kidney and liver.

How to intervene in the event of a bite

The first thing to do is to rush to the vet as soon as possible. It is clear that in some cases time can become a precious weapon, so it may be necessary to intervene alone.

  1. Immediately disinfect the clamped part with hydrogen peroxide. The use of alcohol is absolutely prohibited, which can aggravate the danger of the poison even more;
  2. We keep the animal still, as far as possible, because the movement can favor the spread of the poison inside the blood vessels of the rest of the body;
  3. Apply something very cold on the wound, possibly ice or cold water, to stop the swelling;
  4. We bandage the upper part of the bite with a tissue or band that is not too tight to slow the spread of the poison.

morso di vipera cane

These are only the preliminary operations, essential to save time before reaching the vet. Do not wait unnecessarily for the situation to improve on its own, because most likely it will not, it will continue to get worse. The veterinarian will be able to intervene on the symptoms by administering the anti-viper serum if normal therapies do not work.

What we absolutely must not do is:

  • Suck the bitten area;
  • Cut the skin around the bite;
  • Keep the bitten part raised;
  • Use very tight tourniquets;
  • Use alcohol to disinfect the area.

How to prevent encounters with vipers

Vipers are generally more dangerous in spring. In any case, these are not aggressive animals under normal conditions. This means that if they are not annoyed or threatened, they will not attack. This aspect can be useful for us, of course, but not for our four-legged friends, who often cannot resist the temptation to chase everything that moves around.

For this reason, the only thing we can do is try to reduce the chances of running into a viper. We can therefore avoid too isolated peripheral places, especially in the open countryside. If we see a viper, we must try to stay calm. Let's move away slowly, without making too much noise, returning along the busiest street. Any abrupt movement by us or by our dog could trigger the viper in our direction.

If, on the other hand, the dog has already encountered the snake and we are trying to call him back home, use a stick to repeatedly hit the ground. The vibrations will make the viper escape.